
Translated into Sangtam by Lanu Rüdy


Forum for Naga Reconciliation

Müyurütinü Nagarü Tpurüti Jümürüti Rühlongrü Birolinung Chechocho



Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), Pitt Rivers Museum (PRM) ko Nagarü akhi amüdherütinü University of Edinburgh ko University of Melbourne te yohrütanü Museum la Nagarü tpurüti rühlongrü anyingcho thsingthsanü yangchichehnung dhrongchehcho.

COVID-19 wara ropü Mongmong chonu 22, 2020 khanglang Pitt Rivers Museum (PRM) khangthrunü nyitsarü rühlongrü anyingcho apüm, yucho mülung papati, British rü pekhyah lanü yohpüba ti tsü Museum la müyohbünung rungnümchilicho, hütsü khu 214 Nagarü jümürü arüh (Bone) roh-i mahkhang kuva (Hair) roh-i tsü singdi (Box) tila khyübülung Museum la yohpücho.

Dr Dolly Kikon, nyitsarü nengdang yangchi khirü (anthropologist), ko Associate Professor, University of Melbourne, Pitt Rivers Museum (PRM), Museum Director te chotanü Nagarü jümürü rühlongrü tu surola yohpüchonang tsingkyacho. Hütsüpü Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) tsü yangtsa ko akehta nengdang nohlüm khyo yachonü ko Pitt Rivers Museum (PRM`s) te jümürü rühlongrü nengdang chotacho. Hütsü khu Nagarü nabi ko amülungtite Nagarü tpurü jümürüti rühlongrü ko fü anyingcho pehnü liba tsü thali birocho khu Nagarü nengdang akyangba ko lasi thsaba mülinung mao pü FNR ko PRM te nyichehta nyichehsohnung müküp role.

Pitt Rivers Museum (PRM) nülü Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) te aroh nguchinung longphile pü yocho. FNR nguchi tsü akyangba, chingkehsohba, yangtsa külüpba, mülangpehjüba hiri tsü Nagarü surola nguchiyacho müdhele. Hütsüeko khode hiba Nagarü jümürü anyingcho tsü thali bironung lümchung chungrünang arüh mülung khu Nagarü mülung yohla nyichehsoh tronung ko dhrüzenung dhingchehre.

Nahdhingkeh ko Bekhyah Akizah.

Hiba jümürü rühlongrü füü anyingcho khode hironang langtpah papa adrong düzodheng nguchinung. Mülung papa te tsingkya chodanung, yucho, ahung atrah khürü nü palu jümürü-ebü yoba nengdang yangchichehnung, athrahcho ko lili yangthsa lümlong khyünung, yucho ti xodhengnung ko PRM la hiwü düzo dhengnung, hütsübüdu thali bironung khyüchonung.

Hi nguchichehnungba kang 8-15 tashi khyünung kohle. Hiba nguchi yangchi bekhyah yucho ti la mülung külüpchehnü, atii thsa ko müyurüti nyichehsoh, lushula wühnü nohlüm khyo, liküp (International) tsuyuzingsü mülahsahbü athsalangnü yangchicho khu yucho nyitsarüti, liliyah mükhimücho müthsapü mülungtila akyangba ko palu alanglang kitaba hironung sehyohjünung.


FNR anguchinungtsü PRM khu Nagarü jümürü rülungrü anyingcho bironung chehchochola Nagarü khu nohlüm khyünung nyichehsohnü chingkehtasohnung. Nagarü State Sorkar, Lithroti, mülungtite, ko Nagarü jümü liliyah lüpcho nguchi kikya chola lümlong khangthrunü thüptaditanü nohlüm khyüsohnung.

Adhsütah dhingcheh apümnü zehsohnung, FNR khu athrahcho Nagarü Yucho Thricheh Mülung apümte (Naga Tribe Organization) thrahcho roh-i yuchotinü nohlüm khyo nguchinung. FNR khu yulümta linü khürüte chotacho ko yusi müyuchierü tesü yuchisohnung alongtila yingle. PRM ko yucho mülungti ko akanglirü tsuzarü shümtsurü tinü nohlüm khyo hiba yangchinungla zehbai. Nagarü müyurütinü tu yohrünang FNR khu Nagaland State Sorkar te nyichehtanung.

FNR hiba nguchi hi tsü lang adrong la nyichehtanü mülungtila phakhyu khüdu khüdu khyonü nguchinung nyichehle. FNR nü dsitsajübatsü Nagarü jümürü anyingchotitsü sürü yo thsanungnang Nagarütinü chungnung.


Jümürü nyichonyingra nguchinguyangtila trotanung ko nyichehtanung nengdang FNR khu Yangchichehli zahkehba ko shuparü taseh khyümüiba mülung (“Recover Restore and Decolonise Team” – RRaD) mülung kangchehjücho. Hiba mülong khu Nagarü ti yula müzasohnü Nagarüti yola achingkehta külüpnung. Nagarütinü tpurü jümürü rühlongrü anyingchotsü bironung pü khyüchokhang, RRaD khu University of Oxford la alang athsalangnü (officially) hi nengdang tsü chingnung. FNR nü Dr Dolly Kikon ko aparü Naga nyitsarü nengdang yangchi khirü (anthropologist), Dr Arkotong Longkumer, Senior Lecturer University of Edinburgh, UK, arüte kichinü PRM ko apa mülungtite RRaD mülungnü trota nohlüm khyüsohnung.
RRaD khu langtpah papa lanü yusi khyübülung yale, tsingkyaba lanü, mahkhang alümashi thüptadita khu, atii mülung throchehnü, ko nguchi nahdhingkehla atsingkyaba yuchungti külüpnü, mülungmüshüti, langnürüti papa, dhrezalazarü ti te, müyurüti shironü, mahkhang PRM video khu, thsingyuchoti, Yukheh (Comic) vakha ti khu ngusoh tsingkya chota nguchi yale. Hiba mülung nü yucho-tite chingkeh nguchinü tpurü jümürü anyichoti tsü bironung müküple.
RRaD mülungnü mütohzah jachilisohnü akhirü axangchehrü adrong zürosohnung. FNR khu Naga Tribal Organization ti te shirüta chotanü arü sü RRaD yola hiba ara yangchiba bekhyah nohlüm khyüsohnung.


FNR nü Nagarüti ayohrüta yukheh adrong shulüm lümkangjungle. Britishrünü ro Nagarü mahcheh liba atikehcho chünye tashi hütsüla lirole. Britishrünü yangthsathsa liba lümkehnü atsicho ko chünye suro müdhe nyicheh tsehbae. Adüzünü FNR khu ihsa nguchila nü nyichobatsü Britishrü nü mahcheh liba suro lümdhengnü chünye mülang pehjüta chingkehta athsa choungchah alongri adrong tikeh liroba lanü nyicheh libai. Yukheh tsü changchehchangla atsicho ko chünye yukheh changchehchangla müthsanung.

Nagarü suro dhengde, thali jümürü anyingchoti hironungbatsü Nagarü mahcheh liba zahcho amüdhethsa nohlüm khyünung adhsalang. Hütsübüdutsü ihsa lang asi külüpchehnung. Nagarü langtseh alalingbatsü hiba jümürü anyingchoti bilirohcho khu Nagarü mahcheh liroba tsidsajühre. Nyitsarü langtpah papa suro apüm nü lümlong khangthrunü Nagarü langtsü yangchibae. Tpurü jümürü anyingchoti hiroba hi tsü arüh rühlongrü hirochodu mah ta hi khu atsicho yukheh atsidsa yohchehnung lile. Hütsü khu atsidsa lang asi nguchehnung ko khüdunü khüdu dhengchehta ko nyichehta amülichi ngunung. Thali jümürüti anyingcho hirocho khu nyüje ngusohre, alanglang ngure, khichisohre, liliyah mütsisohre ko mahchehrü tsicho lümkehsohre ko yuluthsah müdhsingchehsohre.

Nagarü langtseh hi tsayahbae. Nagarü suro aichi dhithü laling, thülata, tsikehta, thüpta ditanü bilironung dikehsohrü thsanung. Hiba jümürü anying biliroba yah hi ihsa Nagarü nengdang asi yah thsanung kohle. Tah limih la dhengmüthehde, nyitsarü lümlong azikeh ko adhsongba hi dee taseh zeh tsile. Hütsüeko, amüdhe angu, aying ara, adüzü ayah tsü limih tpahshü sakho ko Yukheh ko nyitsarü lümlong tsü suro aichi nguchinung.

FNR ko RRaD tsü Nagarü lümlong anyicheh ko amii khichinung ko aparü yucho mülungti chahnü sü nyichonung ko Nagarü tite langsü dho ngunung.
Longleng jila la ashiazirü nü RRaD mülungti te yocho, Ihsa tpurü jümürü Museum la xohchingpüpü khüda arüh akyashangla linung, arüh anbü mükyashang linunge. Arüh rülongrütsü PRM Box tila yohpünunge mahkhang palu Nagarü lila hironung? Hütsü Nagarüti chah kehlepü yocho.

FNR tsü achingkehtajührü ko achotajührü thsachonü chotanung thüptanung rungnüm lile. Ihrünü lümlung athsüchi ko akülüpchiba thsanung khyanglang lümlung changtanung yingre. Adhsüchi ba apüm FNR yang mütheng. Nabi te ko Nagarü nguchila kyümüla (politicise) müthsanung.

Issued by

Forum for Naga Reconciliation. Date: May 19, 2023.


Recover, Restore and Decolonise


The Recover, Restore and Decolonise (RRaD) contains information and resources relating to the history and effects of the removal and repatriation of Naga Ancestral Remains. RRaD is a website that is constantly being developed and added to. Whilst we aim to only present information on this website that is appropriate for a public space, accurate and up to date, we would like to acknowledge that there are many gaps in the information shared which comes from both the historic record and our own knowledge. Please get in touch at or any of our social media handles in our contact page, if you would like to share any thoughts or questions with us regarding repatriation, and/or if you have any comments, queries or suggestions on how we can make this website as useful and usable as possible.

While the Recover, Restore and Decolonise (RRaD) team (including all partner organisations) have used all reasonable endeavours to ensure the information on this site is as accurate as possible, it gives no warranty or guarantee that the material, information or publication made accessible is accurate, complete, current, or fit for any use whatsoever. No reliance should be made by a user of the material, information or publication accessed via this site.

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Responsible Use

The purpose of this website is to create widespread awareness about the process of repatriation and the profound impact of colonization on Naga people. Please be warned that some of the information shared here may be distressing as they reference a problematic part of history when our ancestors were referred to as ‘savages’ and ‘inferior.’ There will also be stories of our ancestors who have passed away and their remains which were taken, researched on and displayed without consent by colonizers. We request that you take the information shared here with the gravity it deserves, and we believe that you will honour our guidelines of responsible use. 

  • Please treat the information with care and sensitivity.
  • Share and reflect on the stories to assist healing and reconciliation.
  • Support and engage in the process of repatriation of our ancestral remains.
  • Respect the knowledge shared by community members and their wishes on how it should be shared.