
Translated into Tikhir by T. Tsintsumong Tikhir


Atanyunyick (Introduction)

Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), Pitt Rivers Museum (PRM) rowkü Nagaliu akhaimütsinliu (researchers) University of Edinburgh rowkü University of Melbourne nat shin liplah liu tü reihrow roh Nagaliu pojiliu retnu yalipow laya nü vitü rütü nü.

PRM nü aliu müku tapow COVID-19 sütok keamtü ju phongmaih tsong takü jow September, 22, 2020 shin juchim shopi kü maihsongliu retnu thünyet nü vi ow lusheh kiu akü. Aliunü jow sü amütsin ow yushu rupanpan angtü reih nü liplah row aliu powjiliu retnu tapow Bristish Kiusüliu nü lurei vitakü jow paihlipow songkheah. Joshin kü Naga pojiliu retnu ang pai vi tünü row Naga pojiliu retnu ow lusheh tü box shin kiukhe vitü. Kheah vi ow Nagaliu pojiliu maih 214 rim yi retnu museum shin lurie vitü.

Dr. Dolly Kikon, Naga anthropologist, tapow University of Melbourne shin Associate Proffessor liplah lakü anahpai nü PRM yi liplah Guardian shin khaichuh tü museum yi Director nongmai Naga pojiliu yi retnu songkheah keren tü nü. Jowshopi anahpai nü FNR nongmai khianti kyuhti tü nü. Josho PRM nü FNR nongmai hi songkheah khiantipow tankah tünü poyongtü FNR keam tü ajamünong süreh row mülong shala vi sükhian tü liplah ngoakü.

PRM angtü khianti kyuhti kheah yahtü FNR nü Naga yushu nongmai rowkü maih khaichit nü hi yunyick phünuchitpo songkheah khianti kyuhti tü rülaitü.

PRM liu nü FNR angtü rokkhah liplah mainü shutü nü. PRM nü shu “am nü mütsintü tapow FNR nü asükhian, tükhuh kiukti, asüreih row Nagaliu reihyuh sahpow liplah lakü aliu keamtü am arongju ngopow row aliu arong keamtü Nagaliu yushu rupanpan row aliu lathüniuliu nongmai pojiliu retnu arüpow naiku shin rangnye nü jow kehreipow songkheah mülong keam nü khianti kyuhti kokpow. Aliu nyickrenkah shin, PRM nü atongti maihsongliu ang tü reihpi lin shin asümünyim vi jow nampai sümükhiungpow, süreihpow row asükhian lurüpow mütsinsah akü.

Liplah tü vupow mentu atükek (The Process and Time Frame)

Pojiliu retnu lureipow yi atükek (process) ow alurei liplah row tukhahtei sü liplahpow yinü. Tukhahtei liplahpow tü shu amütsin, public angtü khianti kyuhtipow, powliu maihsongliu retnu akü yachitpow, Naga yushu rupanpan nangmai aliu lim kerenroh chitkhepow, yushu rupanpan nü shukheah yahrow retnu lulirüpow officially mütsinsahpow, Naga yushu chim nü aliu yatü vupow, toknü laivu lirü khianti vipow roh akok sürow pojiliu retnu lulirüpow songkheah.

Jow nampai liplah tü vunong kü pin tüyeh dong pin thürütü phongmaih (8-15 years) kean nü lupow. Jow liplah tü vunong kü powliu süpow tü sü asho nampailiu rehyuh nü mütsinsahpow liplahpow jow shin kü yushu rupanpan ang tü mütsintipow, ayeh shin vurow liplahpow, maihsongliu yi phunuchit sahpow row aliu ang mülongsahpow, rowkü international law yanyuhpow. Joshokang, pow keamtü hi liplah shin lathüniu laira tü sü asho, asürehpow row asümükhiungpow, sovok mahvi tü süsü sü vipow yi limnyick row liplah yanmüsupow, row jowshin kü liplahliu yi rights akinpaih nü vi powji vila row mehkhap vila tü paitü.

FNR ow latsahpaihliu (FNR as Facilitator)

FNR yi liplah ow tasü sürow Nagaliu PRM nü pojiliu retnu kehreipow row/tasü lureipow tsü takü jow songkhean rongjupow yi nü. Kheanti kyuhti tankah paihpow, kivu kerü süpow row Naga yushu, civil society, churches row Nagaland Government nongmai lem lutipow.

Hi liplah ow nampailiu pairong nü rongjuti liplahpow yinü tü mütsinchit anyingtü, FNR nü Naga yushu nampai nongmai achit nü mutsinsah akü. FNR nü tapowliu rechip nü kheachin takü aliu ang tü meeting luakü rowkü nakheachin tü veliu rechip ang kiulaitü. Pojiliu retnu yunyick songkheah nü, PRM nü raihtü yushurüliu/maihsongliu angtü mütsinti laitü poyongtü asailiu tsüh-johliu chim pairong nü liplahpow chok laitü pojiliu retnu lulerüpow songkheah.

Hi liplah münguhpi vunü vinong kü State Government ang reishiti row maihsongliu lim kheanshupow.

FNR nü phünuchit tü hi liplah ow tankah nü tukhah yeh lim kheanti tü vulaitü. Khahtei khah khahtei khah tü vulaitü. FNR nü mütsintü Nagaliu soliu apowsü liplah lakü aliu nü arüpow naiku shin pojiliu retnu tasü nü kiukhepow akü aliu keamtü liplahpow.

Recover Restore and Decolonise Team-RRaD

Pojiliu retnu songkheah liplah rupanpan süvi shiureihpow songkheah row arongjupow songkheah, FNR nü Recover Restore and Decolonise (RRaD) tü rechip khah tankah akü, joliu keamtü lipowliu amütsinliu angtü reihrow liplahpow, row maihsongliu (public) phünuchit sahpow. Nagaliu nü powjiliu retnu lureipow tü süasho RRaD liu yi khamülang ow Oxford University shin kong nü khaintipow.

FNR liu nü Dr. Dolly Kikon rowkü aruta Naga anthropologist, Dr. Arkotong Longkumer, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburg, UK tapow PRM ang tü müstinti nü viakü anat nongmai kang RRad team shin pairong roh rongju sahpow songkheah shuchuh nü vitü.

RRad nü liplah tukhah tankah vitü- kivu kerü sünü tussah suh lurei aningtü, khianti kyuhti sü aningtü, liplah renkah nü süliu reichip aningtü, kingkheat samnü asangluhti aningtü, thüyu keju aningtü; yushu lathüniuliu row khearü liurü nongmai limkheanti aningtü; public thüniukah rowkü phünuchit sahpow songkheah PRM yi video aningtü, public asangluhti aningtü, rowkü noksa rat kaku aningtü. RRaD team nü atsipow naiku shin aruta maihsongliu sowliu pojiliu retnu yali liplah sü lakü jow angtü reih nü liplah aningtü khaeh ang mahtiuli tü aliu nongmai tong amütsin lupow.

Münguhpi vupow songkheah, RRaD rechip müli tü vupow, row akhaimütsinliu (researchers) tukhah paisahpow süpow. FNR nü Naga yushu soliu reishe takü joliu nong akhaimütsinliu pairongsahpow shuchuh vitü, atongti sü nü retnu apoliu mütsinchitpow liplah sü mentu shin rowkü tasü nü soliu nü lurei takü mütsinchitpow.

Nagaliu la (A Naga Pathway)

FNR nü Naga maihsongliu yi amahjumüsü yukhian mütsintü row phünuchit tü. Nagaliu pürai vokkü vitürü yi kuvei kheah ang jowshin vitü. Samnü purai vokkü vitü rünü vinongkü atsipow naiku row chuhne pow litam lakü jow renchit kokpow müsüh vipow asüla. Thüyu thüyu nü, FNR nü asüreih row asükhian liplah sü shintong nü mütsin khah ow chuhne sanai yi mülong shala row atokasü sükhianpow songkheah atsipow naiku shin pürai vokkü mahkhai mahsah sü vi yukhean ow mütsinpow asüla. Sam nü atsipow lin row chuhne lin yi thüyukhean rupan sü nü kiukhipow mahkok.

Nagaliu songkheah nü kü retnu lulirüpow liplah ow pürai vokkü vi shin tong tsichit khah sam nü vipow yi nü. Jow sürow khea pürai alipiyiliu yu kheachinpow la juchimpow. Jow songkheah nü laa nampai shin liplahliu mülong juchim row Nagaliu songkheah la yapow vitü. Lulirüpow tü shu amütsin ow pojiliu retnu yulimi yatü lulirüpow songkheah khea mah shulai talang sam thüyu khean shupow songkheah, sam yu thüyiusü tasü renchit lakü jow müli row khah nü khah kheah aphünuchit vipow songkheah. Atsümaih kü retnu lulirü ow thüyuret mehkhap, athünga liplah, poji vila, akinpaih vila, arangpow vila row akin vila nü. Jow ow sam lim tsongkiuk paih nü vi juchimkeah khah sam yi kiusü liplah (politics) nü.

Nagaliu la ow rekahnü vupow yi la khah vupow yi nü. Nagaliu songkheah khang khang khea vitükak kang, aruta kheah kang chinkahkok nü, kheanti kyuhti kokpow row thongta yushu nü pojiliu retnu lulirüpow liplah shin kang pairong kokpow asüla. Sam nü mütsin tü pojiliu retnu lulirüpow liplah shin thüyunyick khahliu khah kü Nagaliu tukhah songkheah nü thuyu asi nü. Talang samnü lijupow khah ow maihsongliu vulirü sürow amütsin vila tü hi tai khah samnü vitü chuhne lin shin kü. Jowminü, pow yushu sü alang row poyi akhaila sü alang tsongra nü kiukhipow mahkok row sonang thüyu row limnyick limli nü shiushi laipow mahkok.

FNR row RRaD liu ow Nagaliu limrak songkheah, Nagaliu yukhean songkheah row amivipow songkheah mülong jongsu nü liplah laitü.

Repuhliu khah nü Longleng shin RRaD rechip nong mai hinü shutü nü “Tasü sürow sam pojiliu thümai ow mongtsü shin vipow poyong tü aliu retnu Museum chichi kheah phongkah sow kiukkhi row.” Nagaliu pojiliu retnu ow PRM liu bakos (boxes) shin khea kiukkhipow shikü Nagaliu yatü lulirüpow akü Naga maihsongliu kheah khea pahtü.

La tsahpaihliu khah samnü FNR liu kü laivu lirü kheantipow kiulaitü. Am (FNR) nü limnyick row asümükhiungpow vi maihsongliu tin tü yongtü rowkü politics mahkam sahtü FNR nongmai khea shupow müshiu laitü.


Recover, Restore and Decolonise


The Recover, Restore and Decolonise (RRaD) contains information and resources relating to the history and effects of the removal and repatriation of Naga Ancestral Remains. RRaD is a website that is constantly being developed and added to. Whilst we aim to only present information on this website that is appropriate for a public space, accurate and up to date, we would like to acknowledge that there are many gaps in the information shared which comes from both the historic record and our own knowledge. Please get in touch at or any of our social media handles in our contact page, if you would like to share any thoughts or questions with us regarding repatriation, and/or if you have any comments, queries or suggestions on how we can make this website as useful and usable as possible.

While the Recover, Restore and Decolonise (RRaD) team (including all partner organisations) have used all reasonable endeavours to ensure the information on this site is as accurate as possible, it gives no warranty or guarantee that the material, information or publication made accessible is accurate, complete, current, or fit for any use whatsoever. No reliance should be made by a user of the material, information or publication accessed via this site.

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Images used in the website have been used with permission from the creators.

Responsible Use

The purpose of this website is to create widespread awareness about the process of repatriation and the profound impact of colonization on Naga people. Please be warned that some of the information shared here may be distressing as they reference a problematic part of history when our ancestors were referred to as ‘savages’ and ‘inferior.’ There will also be stories of our ancestors who have passed away and their remains which were taken, researched on and displayed without consent by colonizers. We request that you take the information shared here with the gravity it deserves, and we believe that you will honour our guidelines of responsible use. 

  • Please treat the information with care and sensitivity.
  • Share and reflect on the stories to assist healing and reconciliation.
  • Support and engage in the process of repatriation of our ancestral remains.
  • Respect the knowledge shared by community members and their wishes on how it should be shared.