
Translated into Yimkhiung by Nagayimla Yimchunger


Forum for Naga Reconciliation

Public Statement on Repatriation of Naga Ancestral Remains



Naga Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), the Pitt Rivers Museum (PRM) tüsho University of Edinburgh ching nü Naga Researchers po tüsho university of Melbourne arü hote thsürupah Nagarü jipürü yo anyingkhi roriangpo museum ching zokhi po kümpü thsungkhiak nü akeanang te lah.

Muphu khinu 22 kam 2020 ching covid pandemic hote khinu 5 Museum yihto zokhi ching PRM hote exhibition thsungkhiak zokhi asherü mihthsürü yo roriangpo zo khi po alala yihkhitto. Haju exhibition ching nü asherü yo roriang yihkhit khi ju, British kim ching arü hote, lu pah athsokhi asherü yo roriangpo ah. Trük püthsü püthsü te larüpo alala kilim nyihpe yo jipürü yo roraingpo khiungshihpü thsungkhiak nü haju akeanangkhi ah. Tüsho ha rhimo thsungkhiak mürangkhi ju, Nagarü jipürü yo roriang po hanlotarüpü thsungkhiak ah. Tüsho, jipürü yo roriang exhibition ching zokhi po yihkhi-a box ching yuk-a zo-a pah lah. Musuem ching khiakü lakhi jipürü yo roriang po ju, 214 hing lah (ju ching jipürü yo roriang, tüsho kuwü tüsho roriangpo nü athsükhi kukruk mungji po te lah).

University of Melbourne ching Associate Professor tüsho Naga anthropologist Dr Dolly Kikon nü The Guardian yo newspaper ching PRM’s hote shuhmülang-a jihkhi rhimokhipo kherhakpah api nü Museum’s Director khiak Nagarü jipürü yo roriang zokhi po thsungkhiak müthsanmükhi po kiokhiungpah tunglim api nü Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) khiak Pitt Rivers Museum (PRM) ching lakhi naga rü yo roriangpo thsungkhiak athsangachihto. Haju hanlotarüpü thsungkhiak nü FRM hote rhimopü lakhi hote PRM nü FRM khiak kiokhiungto tüsho juching rukkhüh thsüpah rhimote wüpü thsungkhiak athsangachihpü lakhi tüsho poto ching mungthsü hantarüpü thsunghiak thsakhamte lah. Atankih ching nü FNR hote PRM khiak athsangachihpah tunglim, Naga lo ching nü trük alala hote, jipürü yo lakhi roriang po hanlotarüpü thsungkhiak athsangachihkhi kim lupü thsüto.

FNR lung rukkhüh thsüpah rhimopü thsüte lakhi hote PRM nü asühkhi mükhiahshihto tüsho PRM nü thakhi ju, “atüso jipürü kim ching mayeachihte lakhi po mungthsü thsülote tüsho nyiakpahachihte, arihakote late wüpü thsungkhiak FNR’s hote rhimo musupah tankihte lakhi ju, isa nü mükhiah lah, ha kim ching kiulungwungto thsürü, limperü tüsho trük trük ching nü limperüpo hote lümkhi atungto jihkhi hote jipürü yo roriang lakhipo thsungkhiak kümpü tüsho, nüsha lümkhi jihkhi hote jipürü yo roriangpo hanlote arüpü ching isa khiak arung ngüpah. Ha lümkhi thsungkhiak akeanangkhi ching PRM nü “thsürupah rhimokhi hote, alim, arihako, poto mungthsü thsülopü tüsho, jipü kim ching nü marihakote late arükhi ching khülang nü khülang lümkhi jihachihkhi hote thsarihlopü thsungkhiak mülung jihte rhimote wüpü thsungkhiak mükhiahshihkhiah.

The process and time frame

Jipürü yo roriang po hanlotarüpü ju rhimo aphu aphu hote lachoh, tüsho ju ching akhinashu thsüte rhimote wüpü ahihkhüh lah. Rhimo akhinashupo ju-a, Provenance Research (haju thakhi ju, trük yungsho athülünkhi khunung po hote, jipürü yo roriang po ju alupü kuklah). Nagarü trük alala yo lümkhi lupü tüsho ju ayannü trük hote lümkhi jihkhi po ju akeanangpah tunglim, jipürü yo roriang hanlotarüpü thsungkhiak rhimo ju officially tankihpah. Tüsho PRM ching lakhi roraingpo müthsanmükhipü thsungkhiak nü Nagarü wüpah müthsanmükhi-a lupü tüsho ju hote, athsangachihpah nyihpe lo ching hanlotarüpü thsungkhiak nü amülüjihkhi lape-ah.

Haju rhimo akukngüpü ju kam 8-15 khiungte alupü kuklah. Ha rhimo amüyung ju, participatory Research ayannü rhimopah tüsho haju, ju trük hote akeanagte, tangpung ching wüpah yimkhityimrakhi, poto khiak müthsanmükhipo khiungshikhi tüsho poto yo lümkhi lüte, tüsho juching international law ayannü rhimote wüpe ah. Haju rhimokhi po ha, nyihpe mihthsürü yo alim akinawün jihpü thsungkhiak nü tüsho ha hote mungthsü tüsho arihakote lapü thsungkhiak ah. Tüsho haju hote rhimo mungjithürü ching suhkih-a-chihpü, zuzu lümkhi thsüte lalim yakli late wüpü, tüsho nyihpe lalimyakli alungki ching nü shuh-a ahorikhukpü thsungkhiak akeanangkhi ah.

FNR as Facilitator

Khiakü museum ching zokhi Nagarü jipürü yo roriangpo kümpü thsungkhiak tüsho hanlotarüpü thsungkhiak PRM’s nü FNR khiak müthsanmükhi khiungshihkhi ayannü FRM hote rhimokhi po ju Nagarü thsung thsüte ha rhimo akeanangkhi ching limthorü thsüte lah.Tüsho haju rhimote wüpü thsungkhiak ju, alala yo lümkhi athsangachihte, yimkhityamrakhi hote lupü, tüsho Nagarü trük po ching nü civil socities, churches, tüsho Nagaland yo state government harü alala po khiak kiokhiungpah rhimo musute wüpü yihnülah.

FNR hote Naga trük yo khunungpo khiak officially kihüm thrütkhi ju khiungshihto, tümütüsho ha rhimopü ju, alala nü thsürupah akeanangpü tüsho trük hote shuhmülang-a jih khi hote rhimo tankihpü ju yihnü lah. Tüsho ha thsungkhiak nü FNR hote kütang pinkhi ching ahihkhüh nü lümkhi she jihto tüsho khiakü khiungte anying a larü po nüshe lümkhi jihsihpü thsungkhiak aliangte lah. PRM nü Nagarü po khiak chingkihpah ha rhimo thsungkhiak nü mürangte lah, tümüthsükhi nü tüsho; khiakü lakhi jipürü yo roriang ju lupü thsüte, Nagarü hote nü lang lupü thülütak lah. Ha thsungkhiak rhimo musu te wüchoki Nagaland yo state government tüsho mihthsürüpo yo lümkhi jihshih pü thsungkhiak she akiokhiunpah.

Jipürü yo roaring lakhipo ju Nagarü hotü nü lang alupü thüluntakte lakhi ju FNR nü khite thsüte anyikhit lah. Tüsho ha rhimo musu te wüpü thsungkhiak nü tangpung aphu aphu ching anyi nyi nü rhimo tankihte wüpü thsüte lah.

Recover Restore and Decolonise Team- RRaD

Jipürü yo roriang po lulopü thsungkhiak akeanangkhi rhimopo, kukzamte wüpü tüsho khülang thsüpah rhimote wüpü thsungkhiak nü indigenous expert, tüsho participatory action research hote müthsanmükhi-a lukhi, tüsho poto ching akümkang müthsanmükhi khiungshihpü thungkhiak FNR hote Recover Restore and Decolonise (RRaD) team tankhihkhiah. Nagarü po nü jipürü yo roriang ju tümüthsüthsü she hanlotarüpah te lümkhi lasho, RRaD yo team hote müküpte tüsho akukpü thsungkhiak nü arü hotü nü, university of Oxford ching official rhimo ayan nü arhimopah. FNR team hote Dr Dolly Kikon tüsho University of Edinburgh, UK, ching Senior Lecturer Dr Arkotong Longkumer, anye khiak RRaD team ching azahshihpü tüsho apeshihpü thsungkhiak müshuto.

RRaD hote kiokhikiora lute, müthsanmükhi rhimo ahihkhüh aphu aphu limro ching nü lupü tankihto, khunung ching athsangachihkhi, workshops, survey questionnaire,etc; trük limperü tüsho athunozorü po khiak kiokhiungte; PRM yo videos hote mihthsürüpo khiak mükhiahsihkhi, poto khiak thsangyukhi, comic book, videos etc. harü hote müthsanmükhi po mükhiahshihte lah. Tüsho püpürü trük po, arü jipürü yo anyingkhi roriang po kümpü tüsho lulopü thsungkhiak nü rhimo tankihpah larü po khiak nü she mükhiah-a lupü tüsho rhimote wüpü thsungkhiak nü team hote trük püpürüpo rhimo tankihpah larü khiak kiokhiungte rhimo pü thsungkhiak nü thsakhampah lah.

FNR hote Naga tribal organizations po khiak atankih yo müthsanmükhi yimkhityimrakhi ching, RRaD yo team ching apeshihpü thsungkhiak researchers po mungjihshihpü mushuto. RRaD hote ha rhimo thsungkhiak müthrite, tote tüsho pushih pü thsungkhiak researchers ahihkhüh peyukpah rhimopü thsülah.

A Naga Pathway

Nagarü yo püthsü püthsü te lakhi jipüyakli ako tüsho jipüyukhian po müthsanmükhite FNR nü ju ayannü rhimote lah. Aliangkhiak larü püpürü hote, Naga lo ching arüpah thsümüchite lakhi po khinyi khiungte mulung thsünükhi ju lah. Ahokhi tüsho khiakü kim ching, aliangkhiak larü püpürü nü arüpah thümüchüchite late arükhipo ju, isa nü mulungjihpah khiahyukte lapü yihnü lah. Ahokhi kim ching aliangkhiak larü püpürü nü arüpah isa kilim kuphuk rozhiak tünjipah lakhi po ching nü nyakpahlo-achihpah, mungthsü thsülote lapü yihnükhi ju FNR nü she khite thsüte anyikhit lah. Isa nü anyikhitpü lakhi ju, khiakü kim le awün kim ching latarükhi jipü yukhian po püthsüte chamkhit-a zo pü mükuk.

Khiakü Nagarü thsungkhiak nü jipürü yo roriang po hanlotarüpü ju nyihpe mihthsürü, hotü nü lang nyihpe alim shuh-a ahorikhi tüsho zuzu lümkhi thsüpah lang haju rhimo ju akukpah. Ha thsungkhiak rhimopü ju aphu aphu limro ching rhimote larü po tüsho, lümkhi athsangachihkhukpü thsüte larüpo yo lümkhi lupü ju yihnü lah. Ha ching isa nü anyikhitpü lakhi ju, haju rhimo ju, isa jipürü yo roriang po nyihpe lo ching hanlotarü pü thsungkhiak lang yung tütüshe; ha rhimokhi hotü nü, isa thiyukhian tüsho jipü yukhian thakhukpü thsüngkhiak nü tüsho ha hote, nyihpezangrü tüsho borü müyampü tükiakshe anyikhitachihte isa lümngü aso müthrite lapü thsungkhiak ah. Jipürü yo roriang hanlotarüpü thsungkhiak atungto anyikhit pü lakhi ju, ha hote mungthsü, müthsanmükhi-a zokhi, jipüyakli tüsho melim zuzu ngüpü thsungkhiak atungto khülang ah. Tüsho ha rhimokhi hote mihthsürü po khiak poto lalimyakli ching nyihpe alim suh-a ahorikhukpü thsungkhiak ah.

Nagarü thsungkhiak nü limro atsülim thsakhamlote müthrite lapü ju thsüte yihnü lah. Nagarü thsungkhiak haju hanlotarüpü ju athülünkhi khülang ah. Tüsho haju jipürü yo roriangpo hanlotarüpü ju Nagarüpo thsungkhiak nü thülüntakkhi khülang ah tüsho ha thsungkhiak rhimopo ju international khiungte müthsanmükhi khukpü, athsangachih khukpe tüsho ju hote püpürü trük po ching she ha rhimokhi hote arungkhi lape-ah. Isa nü mihthsürüpo khülang nü khülang tang ching wüla arüla thsahkhi alalanü ngüte mükhiahte lah tütüshe Khiakü khiungte, ahihkhüh Nagarü nü nyihpe lo ching arülopü yungsho hanlotarüpü tükhiju mümükhiahte lah. Trük yungsho khunungpo khiak phayukte yungsho khürü nü nyihpe yo alüthsüpü thsüte ahoripü müthülün. Hojumonü, jipü lungki nü tüsho mihtsürü yo anyikhitkhi hote alungkhi ching nü lapü yihnü lah.

Püpürü trükpo nü rhimo-a lakhi ching nü she mükhiak-a lukhi hote Nagarü thsungkhiak nü limro po-a zokhi nangte akampah. Tüsho juching FNR tüsho RRaD nü Nagarü yo lümlung, thiyukhian tüsho atungto müthsanmükhipo ayannü ju hote alungki ching nü shuh-a ahorite,rhimote wüpü thsungkhiak nü thsakhampah lah.

Longleng ching azorü khülang nü RRaD team khiak thakhi ju, “isa jipürü jo roriangpo museum wall ching zin-a zopahle, Kütesah arü me süh-akhim ching alapü. Arü me ju zuzu mungüte late lapah”. Nyihpe lo ching hanlotarüpü yungsho box ching PRM hote kümte jute lashihpa nü, ju lumkhi thsüpü ju Nagarü khah ching lang zahlah.

FNR nü limthorü khülang thsüte athsangachihpü thsungkhiak nü thsakhampah lah. Tüsho rukhüh thsüpah müngüh rhimote wüpü thsungkhiak lümkhi jihshihpü tüsho athsangzchihkhi lapü thsungkhiak thsakhampah lah.Tüsho ju ching lümkhi aso hantarürü po nü she, mihthsürü khürükhiak yungsho politics khiak mükhiahkih müthsüpe-ah tütüshe FNR khiak alungki ching nü khiungshihpü thsungkhiak nü alala khiak mushu te mükhiahshihchoh.

Issued by:

Forum of Naga Reconciliation

Date: May 19, 2023


Recover, Restore and Decolonise


The Recover, Restore and Decolonise (RRaD) contains information and resources relating to the history and effects of the removal and repatriation of Naga Ancestral Remains. RRaD is a website that is constantly being developed and added to. Whilst we aim to only present information on this website that is appropriate for a public space, accurate and up to date, we would like to acknowledge that there are many gaps in the information shared which comes from both the historic record and our own knowledge. Please get in touch at or any of our social media handles in our contact page, if you would like to share any thoughts or questions with us regarding repatriation, and/or if you have any comments, queries or suggestions on how we can make this website as useful and usable as possible.

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The purpose of this website is to create widespread awareness about the process of repatriation and the profound impact of colonization on Naga people. Please be warned that some of the information shared here may be distressing as they reference a problematic part of history when our ancestors were referred to as ‘savages’ and ‘inferior.’ There will also be stories of our ancestors who have passed away and their remains which were taken, researched on and displayed without consent by colonizers. We request that you take the information shared here with the gravity it deserves, and we believe that you will honour our guidelines of responsible use. 

  • Please treat the information with care and sensitivity.
  • Share and reflect on the stories to assist healing and reconciliation.
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